Two Peas in a Kitchen

adventures in baking and cooking

The Great Pink Dragon Cake

For one of our roommate’s birthday, Amanda and I decided to bake a dragon cake. Why? Because we can, that’s why. And what other sort of cake would you want for your 22nd birthday than a great, pink dragon cake?

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Filed under: Amanda, Mary,

Happy Holidays!

Amanda and I did a lot of baking in the past week or so, including a delicious apple cake with caramel frosting for my graduation dinner that I’ll tell you about later.

First, you have to see these precious chocolate mice.
chocolate mice
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Filed under: Amanda, Mary,


Has it been nearly a year since Amanda and I have updated? But I’ve baked so much! There were some amazing brownies from the King Arthur Flour recipe, a pumpkin cheesecake for a Thanksgiving party with my co-workers, a ridiculous toffee-marshmallow-chocolate shortbread tart over the summer. And what about our birthday cake? It was incredible, people. A Guinness chocolate cake, a layer of Bailey’s ice cream, all covered in a dark chocolate ganache. Absolutely the best thing I’ve ever made!

Well, this unexpected hiatus is over. Expect some recipes soon as Amanda and I begin holiday cookie baking. There may even be an encore of that birthday cake. It was that good.

Filed under: Mary

Raspberry Cream Sandwich Cookies

So two weeks ago I had this brilliant idea to bake chocolate cupcakes with raspberry frosting for Rebecca’s small group. They just looked so adorable! So I did bake them, and they were adorable, only it turns out I honestly just don’t like raspberry. (Which I guess isn’t really a problem, considering they were for Rebecca and her girls, not me.) What was a problem was all the leftover raspberry frosting in my refrigerator.

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Apple & Raisin Muffins

I promise I bake things other than muffins. Really. I might even bake cookies this weekend! (My friend’s birthday is on Valentine’s Day.) First I have to address these muffins, though. Just look how delightful!

hello, cupcake!  err... muffin.

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Filed under: Amanda, ,

Chocolate Chip and Toffee Cookies

It seems that nearly every person in the food-blogosphere is, or was at some point, on the quest for the perfect chocolate chip cookie. Me, I’m not so concerned about the holy grail of chocolate chip cookies. Cheesecake, maybe I could get into that (if I had the time… and, let’s be honest, the money– cream cheese is expensive!). But you’d be hard-pressed to find a cookie I didn’t like, so the idea of putting in all the effort to find my perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe holds little appeal. There are so many other wonderful cookies I could be baking!

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Filed under: Mary,

Whole-Wheat Chocolate-Almond Biscotti (with Orange Zest!)

Honestly, the only way to motivate myself into doing schoolwork is to bake. I’ve been reasonably productive over the weekend, but I really need to do some honest-to-goodness studying this afternoon. The only thing keeping me from baking prolific amounts of muffins, cookies, and cupcakes right now is the fact that I have plans to bake tomorrow for Rebecca’s small group as well. So I decided to keep it quick (I do have studying to do, you know!) and simple.

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Banana Cupcakes

Although you wouldn’t know it based on the recent chronicles of my baking ventures, I am a cupcake person. Indeed I am. Leave Amanda to her healthy bran muffins; I want a cupcake filled– and frosted!– with sugary goodness. 

So when I realized this morning that my remaining two bananas were wonderfully brown, I knew what I wanted to bake: banana cupcakes. Amanda and I made these, oh, probably two or three years ago from Martha Stewart’s recipe, so I decided to use it again (although, I admit, I don’t particularly remember how our earlier attempt turned out). Martha calls for 1 and 1/2 cups of mashed bananas, which she translates to about 4 bananas. As I only had two, I simply halved the recipe. (Incidentally, I ended up with seven cupcakes instead of six, as one would expect. Not that I mind.)

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Brownies in a Hurry!

I don’t care too much for Sandra Lee (her tablescapes really intimidate me, I’m not kidding), but I have to admit: it’s how the average person cooks. I can’t always make everything from scratch; I have neither the time nor the ambition. Today especially, time has been a commodity I just don’t have. By the time I got home from class and discipleship this afternoon, I needed something quick and easy to bake for Rebecca’s small group (their second meeting of the semester). Fortunately I had the forethought… or maybe the lack of will-power…  last week to buy brownie mix (it was on sale buy one get one free at Publix!). But me being me, I couldn’t just follow the directions on the back of the box and send along any ol’ brownies. Oh no, no, no. 

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Filed under: Mary,

Pumpkin Bran Muffins

I have an 8am class this semester.  Really, I am a morning a person, but that’s a little early even for me.  Needless to say, I don’t have time to sit down for breakfast on my weekdays anymore.  So sad!  Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day (mainly because it’s an excuse for coffee and carbs).  What’s a girl to do?  Bake muffins, of course!

In an attempt to make a muffin that would be healthy and satisfying, I made Pumpkin Bran Muffins from a recipe that I found on recipezaar.  It had great reviews, but honestly I wasn’t very impressed.  I mean, it was good, but not that good.  I won’t be making it again.  Ah well, there’s a long semester ahead of me and plenty more muffin recipes to be tried…

Filed under: Amanda, ,


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